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Links - Help Now



Help Is Urgently Needed - Please Donate


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Donations
Note: Members of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent are already
in Iraq and helping provide humanitarian relief and aid to all who are suffering.


American Red Cross - Donations
At this time, donations appear to be earmarked for additional medical aid for U.S. troops.


British Red Cross - Donations


Canadian Red Cross - Donations


International Committee of the Red Cross - Donations

Providers of Humanitarian Aid to Iraq


American Red Cross - Donations | Iraq Appeal | Serving U.S. Military | Emergency Humanitarian Response | "Humanity in the Midst of War"


British Red Cross - Donations | Iraq Appeal


Canadian Red Cross - Donations | Iraq Appeal


International Committee of the Red Cross - Donations | Iraq Appeal | Background of ICRC In Iraq


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Donations


United Nations - Iraq News and Humanitarian Aid Efforts


Additional Providers of Humanitarian Aid



Aid to Iraq - Signs for Hope

bulletAid to Iraq - Points for Concern
bulletUnited Press International

Prayer Initiatives


Prayer Resource Group - Pray for Peace in Iraq

Global Citizens Concerned About War


Activist Resource Group - Iraq Links


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