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Schedule for Life

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“A time for everything and everything in its time.” ~ G. Johnson

Summary. The Schedule for Life is a holistic approach to living which combines a schedule with a prioritized task list based on the seven areas of life presented on the Resources for Life Map Page. The Schedule for Life provides a portal to much of the content on the Resources for Life site.

Simple, Small, Sustainable. The Schedule for Life is designed  to be compatible with smallsimple, and sustainable living. It has been optimized for compatibility with off-the-grid cottage living (see the Mobile Hermitage for an example).

Effectiveness. It is through this schedule, that the principles presented on the ResourcesForLife.com website are actually put into motion – “where the rubber meets the road” and “the walk and the talk become one.” There is a benefit to having a place for everything and everything in its place. Similarly, there is a benefit to having a time for everything, and everything in its time. In this way, optimal effectiveness is achieved.

Creative Commons. The phrase “Schedule for Life” and the www.ScheduleForLife.com domain name are intellectual property developed by Resources for Life and protected by the copyright guidelines indicated below, which ensures that this information remains within the creative commons for education and public use for the benefit of all – rather than for private ownership and profit.

Fitness Magazine. Fitness Magazine is the latest organization to endorse a daily and weekly routine similar to the Schedule for Life. Click here to read the February 2007 article on routine and healthy living. We want to thank Fitness Magazine for helping to promote this practical approach to living a holistically healthy daily routine. (20070130tu1218)

Years of Development. The system has been in development for years and written about regularly in the Resources for Life Newsletters. It is part of the Holistic Living System at Resources for Life.

Life as a Dance. In dancing, when we let someone else lead, they guide us in our steps. As we give into their leading, yielding to them, we join our energy with theirs and effortlessly we are glided along. If they are a strong partner, they may twirl us, and lift us. The Schedule for Life is based upon the principle of dancing with the Universe and letting the Universe take the lead in the dance. We gain energy by yielding to the seasons of the year, the times of the day, and our own internal rhythms that have been set by nature. As we let these forces guide us, we are carried along by a great energy. We are in harmony with the forces of nature around us rather than fighting with them. The skilled dancer, flows gracefully with their leading partner. The unskilled dancer stumbles and becomes tired or fatigued since they are not in harmony with the lead partner. It is important to become a skilled dancer with the Universe and with nature.

Components and Principles. The Schedule for Life is based upon several components and principles, such as:

  • Cycles. The scheduled is based on cycles that repeat daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Times are indicated below using 24 hour format. Cycles create energy through habit, repetition, and learning (as mentioned below).
  • Flexibility. It is important to be somewhat flexible when implementing this schedule. Rigidity with anything can create stress and be unhealthy. You’ll find that the daily, weekly, and monthly cyclical routines will create a kind of momentum similar to the feeling of a pendulum. This will help you to slowly and easily flow in the rhythm of the schedule.
  • Learning Through Repetition. In the movie Groundhog Day, the character played by Bill Murray awakens each day to find that it is the same day over again. Having the ability to live the same day over and over again, creates the opportunity to “do it over again” – each time making corrections which make each day better than the previous. The Schedule for Life is based on this principle of learning from established routine and correcting a routine so that it becomes more efficient and effective.
    • Supportive Quote: “Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it.” – Oprah Winfrey, O Magazine, September 2003
  • Priorities. The schedule places higher priority tasks and needs toward the beginning of the day to ensure they get completed.
  • Seasons. A farmer lives in harmony with the seasons of the year because the planting and harvesting must be done when nature offers the greatest opportunity. During the cycle of a 24-hour day, it is common for people to have times when they feel intellectually alert, and other times during the day when they have more physical stamina. For most people, at night, a natural tiredness and sleepiness produces the greatest rest. Imagine how ineffective a person would be trying to work against these natural rhythms. Yet, many people try to work late at night when they can’t think clearly, or exercise later in the day when their body is low on energy. By paying attention to the conditions of each moment, it’s possible to do the task best suited for that moment.